Sunday, August 9, 2009


A lazy morning. More like a dress rehearsal for winters. You yawn, several times over. Stretch, throw, tear your body apart, again and again and again. Look out the window, it's hazy. The sound of onions frying in hot oil on the stove plays like your "Good morning" song. Get up! "Pull me up, someone!" Finally on your feet, you somehow manage to get to the kitchen in as many number of steps as you would require to travel a mile.

Still out of senses, tea preparation starts. You don't require senses to prepare tea, anyway! The morning newspaper waiting for you at the door. Press the topmost button on the TV remote, "...but first, the headlines..." Slurrrppp! Your phone rings and you are informed that the roads are so badly clogged that it's impossible for traffic to pass. Not able to control, you keep your mug aside, throw the paper away and dance a merry little jig, run and kiss the news presenter on tv in joy, hurt your knee in the process. But who cares, you don't have to work today.

You've woken up only to go back to sleep. And you think that is how it should be like during these months. Wake up to go to sleep. And sleep. And more sleep. Sleep all day, why don't we? You've never had such a colossal appetite for lethargy and you want to run away from all forms of work. Even taking meals seems a waste of energy. The notorious wind rushing in from one window of your bed room and leaving from the one in your living, not without camouflaging in some droplets, soaking whatever is close to the window. But who cares, you don't have to work today. 

Towing yourself up for lunch you realise that you can't move out, roads are blocked. So you 'Dial a Pizza'. But they are not delivering to your doorstep today. Roads are blocked. Then, defeated, you crawl to your kitchen to prepare those evergreen noodles for yourself which have never, till date, taken only 2 minutes to get ready.


The evening tea beckons, so do the utility programs on tv. Surf, Surf, Surf, Yaawwwnnn, Slurrpp! Surf. "Every morning I wish I could just play, wish the morning would just stay".

It's after dusk now and you have to start worrying for your meal again. You just try your luck at the Pizza place and... yes, it's affirmative. Hog, Hog, Hawwg! You just had enough of the most pizzas ever and while doing that you also caught up on one of your all time favourite movies. Whatte day! Back to your bed, yet again. Lying down, trying to revise the day but failing big time as there was nothing much you did to write home about. Switch the mosquito repellent on. The music of onions frying in hot oil persists. The wind still playing. You feel cold. But who cares! You didn't have to work today, the roads were blocked, you danced a merry little jig, kissed the news presenter. And that knee... it still hurts!

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